dimarts, 27 d’octubre del 2015

Two men and an escalator

We've all been there – walking down an escalator and then someone at the top shouts, “Free burgers!” What else is there to do but attempt to run up the escalator the wrong way?

Well, that's exactly what these guys did at a Polish shopping centre when it announced the mall was giving away the free food… and the result? Hilarity.
Come on guys, you can do it! Ouch, that's got to hurt!
The elderly Polish men finally made it to the top and received cheers from the large crowd that gathered below to watch the attempt. We just hope those burgers were worth it!

Dificults words: Attempt, mall, hilarty, elderly, cheers, crowd, gathered, below.

dilluns, 26 d’octubre del 2015

Multiple intelligences

My 3 top intelligences are:
  1. Intrapersonal: Owner, actor, program planner.
  2. Visual/Spatial: Computer programmer, graphic artist, engineer.
  3. Kinaestheic: Computer games designer, athlete, actor.
  4. Musical: Recording engineer, audiologist, choir director.

dimarts, 6 d’octubre del 2015

My Hero Markus Persson

This is my hero, Markus Persson.
He is my favourite game developer.

He likes videogames, game programming.
He doesn’t like both piracy, Electronic Arts.
He is a game developer.
He is hard-working, laid-back and kind.
His challenge is programming a videogame in java.
His solution is work every day on that.

He is my hero because it's a game developer.