dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2016

Shakespeare hasthag

#shakespeare400: Wich will mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare to celebrate with the hashtag.

#stradford-upon-avon: It's a birthplace of Shakespeare, steeped in culture and history.

#annehataway: Was the wife of Shakespeare.

#theglobe: They are pictures taken by the world of Shakespeare, a recreate of theatre.

#plays: Plays or best Plays of Skahespeare that was divided in genres.

#plague:  Shakespeare escape from plague that change theatre.

#1595: Shakespeare finish Romeo and Juliet.

Was the Sakespeare's Patron Shakespeare, Shakespeare had a relation with the Queen Elizabeth

#thearmada: Shakespeare have some paintings and drawings of the ships and information to understand.

We know what we are, but know not what we may be : Sabemos lo que somos , pero no sabemos lo que podemos ser.Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none : Amen a todos , confían en algunos , hacer el mal a ninguno.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves : No está en las estrellas para celebrar nuestro destino sino en nosotros mismos .

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